Kristen Mapes


Kristen Mapes portrait

I am the Associate Director of Digital Humanities in the College of Arts and Letters at Michigan State University and a librarian and medievalist by training. My day-to-day work involves teaching and advising in the undergraduate and graduate DH programs at MSU, consulting on projects with faculty, librarians, and graduate students, leading workshops and community building activities on campus, organizing the annual Global Digital Humanities Symposium, and advocating for public and open scholarship around campus.

My research interests are currently focused on social media adoption by academics, especially Medievalists. I am interested in discovering how scholars interact (or don’t) online in this interdisciplinary field. I am looking to contribute to the field by fostering community in whatever ways seem useful.

I am also exploring visualization techniques and image analysis in a project that seeks to enhance the Roman de la Rose Digital Library by providing new avenues for exploring and analyzing the collection.

I am figuring out the social media landscape anew and am on Mastodon at Please connect with me there or at kmapes [at] msu [dot] edu.