Medieval Digital Humanities at Kalamazoo 2015

Medieval Digital Humanities at Kalamazoo 2015

As thousands of medievalists (myself included) prepare for the 50th International Congress on Medieval Studies at Western Michigan University (Kalamazoo, Michigan), aka Kzoo, I want to share a list I have compiled of digital humanities and digitally inflected sessions and papers at the conference. I have noted a whopping 26 sessions that are either all about digital things or include a paper that incorporates digital methods.

The list includes the session number, title, page number in the program, and speakers. I am certain there are papers and sessions that I missed, and the likelihood of typos is high. Please leave a comment with a correction or an addition.

The conference website with the full pdf of sessions is available here. Tweet along with @KzoolCMS using the hashtag #kzoo2015 [not #kzoo15!]. And do remember twitter conference ettiquette – see Dorothy Kim’s excellent primer here.

See you all at Kzoo in May!

  •  Thursday, May 14
    • 10:00-11:30am
      • 17 [Fetzer 2040] – Medieval texts in digital environments: New directions, old problems (p 6)
        • From user to editor: Piers Plowman electronic archive editions in practice – Noelle Phillips
        • Foliating manuscripts in the digital age – Peter Robinson
        • The Ormulum and the archive of early middle english – Meg Worley
      • 46 [Waldo Library Classroom A] – Digital humanities resources for the study of central europe in the middle ages (A roundtable) (p 14)
        • A roundtable discussion with Klaus M. Schmidt, Eric J. Johnson, James R. Ginther.
    • 1:30-3:00pm
      • 76 [Schneider 2345] – HMML at fifty: Preserving manuscripts and providing access for five decades (p 23)
        • Across four decades and two continents: HMML in Austria, Spain, Malta, Ethiopia, Germany, Portugal, England, Switzerland, and Sweden – Matthew Z. Heintzelman
        • HMML’s past decade and the turn ad Orientem: Digitizing threatened manuscripts in the middle east, africa and south india – Columba Stewart
        • Applied digital humanities: Supporting scholars and students of medieval studies with vHMML and reading room – William Straub
      • 85 [Bernhard 210] – CANTUS antique fragments roadshow, or, “What’s my fragment?” (A panel discussion and workshop) (p 26)
        • A panel discussion and workshop with Cynthia J. Cyrus, John Haines, Sarah Ann Long. This session will demonstrate how one can use CANTUS: A database for latin ecclesiastical chant to determine information about loose medieval music manuscript leaves.
      • 93 [Sangren 1730] – Moving more online: Strategies and challenges for using technology in the “classroom” (A roundtable)  (p 28)
        • A roundtable discussion with Kate McGrath, Thomas R. Leek, Maire Johnson, Andrew Reeves, Valerie Dawn Hampton, April Harper, Nicole Lopez-Jantzen
    • 3:30-5:00pm
      • 114 [Fetzer 2040] – All medieval manuscripts online: Strategic plans in Europe (p 34)
        • Challenges in the systematic digitization of all medieval manuscripts at the Bibliotheque nationale de France – Matthieu Bonicel
        • The pilot phase for the digitization of medieval manuscripts in German collections: An interim report – Carolin Schreiber
        • Greek manuscripts at the British Library: Reflections on an almost-complete digitization project – Cillian O’Hogan
        • Fragmentarium: A scholarly network that enables libraries, collectors, researchers, and students to upload medieval manuscript fragments and to describe, transcribe, and assemble them – Sylviane Messerli
      • 115 [Schneider 1140] – The public medievalist: A roundtable on engaging the public with the middle ages (p 35)
        • A roundtable discussion with Bruce Holsinger, David Perry, Susan Morrison, Sandra Alvares, Paul Sturtevant
    • 7:30pm
      • 152 [Fetzer 1005] – Retrieval of meaning in digital humanities (p 46)
        • The many faces of truth in medieval german literature – Klaus M. Schmidt
        • Culinary glossary: Meaning and usage of culinary terms in (late) medieval german cookery books – Katharina Zeppezauer-Wachauer
        • Language and literature in the european middle ages: From romance poetry to german poetry – Rocco Distilo
        • Schreibsprachen im Nordwesten und Südosten Deutschlands: Ein Pilotprojekt zur automatisierten Lokalisierung von mittelalterlichen Handschriften – Ulrich Seelbach
      • 153 [Fetzer 1010] – Medieval data: Prospects and practices (p 46)
        • Workflows for medievalists with open data ideals and closed-source texts – Kalani Craig
        • “I sign therefore I am”: Documenting early medieval Medici in italian charters, A.D. 800-1100 – Luca Larpi
        • The archaeology of anglo-norman rural settlement in Co. Wexford, Ireland, ca. 1169-1400 – Brittany Rancour
        • Pointless maps: Spatial analysis with fuzzy data – Amanda Morton
  • Friday, May 15
    • 10:00-11:30am
      • 186 [Fetzer 1060] – Digital humanities: The franco-italian Huon d’Auvergne, an NEH-supported digital edition and translation project (A roundtable) (p 57)
        • Herding colleagues: Coordinating an internataional multilingual mixed languages digital edition – Leslie Zarker Morgan
        • The frontier between french and italian is the raised dot – Stephen Patrick McCormick
        • Reporting from the trenches: A french medievalist translating franco-italian – Shira Schwam-Baird
      • 188 [Fetzer 2020] – Medieval Paris (p 58)
        • The contribution of a geographic information system (GIS) in the medieval history of Paris: The ALPAGE Project – Helene Noizet
      • 221 [Bernhard 209] – The neomedieval image (p 67)
        • A digital caliphate of their own: The paradox of new media and neomedievalism in the new Islamic State – Kevin A. Moberly
        • Gesturing the neomedieval image and “medievalizing” the gesture – Carol L. Robinson
        • Remix culture and the neomedieval videogame – Michael Sarabia
        • (Digital) geography and the making of myth – Lesley A. Coote
      • 227 [Waldo Library Classroom A] – The medieval electronic scholarly alliance (MESA): A hands-on workshop (p 69)
        • A hands-on digital workshop with Timothy Stinson and Dorothy Carr Porter that allows participants to pracice faceted searching and building a simple exhibition. The workshop provides examples of how MESA can be used in the classroom. We will also cover the basics of how to submit a project for inclusion in MESA.
    • 1:30-3:00pm
      • 238 [Fetzer 1040] – The devotional culture of cistercian nuns (p 74)
        • Material culture in the digital age: A discussion – Susan M.B. Steuer
      • 213 [Bernhard 213] – Source study: A retrospective (p 85)
        • Source study in a digital age – Brandon Hawk
    • 3:30pm
      • 296 [Fetzer 2016] – Building the Auctores: Assessing the use of authorities in the construction of medieval texts (p 90)
        • The reception of Ambrosius Autpertus’s De conflictu uitiorum atque uirtutum in the Pseudo-Bonaventure Liber pharetrae 2.15: Digital approaches to intertexual evidence – Chris L. Nighman
      • 314 [Schneider 1280] – Political medievalisms (p 96)
        • Crusades, templars, and cyberjihad: Political medievalisms in social media – Andrew B.R. Elliott
      • 316 [Schneider 1325] – Textual and manuscript studies in online environments (p 96)
        • Using virtual collation – Dorothy Carr Porter
        • Digital manuscripts as source text and edition – Christoph Flueler
        • The estoria de espanna digital project: Challenges and opportunities of editing medieval prose – Aengus Ward
        • Designing the interactive page: Creating a digital edition of The Chaunce of the Dyse – Serena Patterson
  • Saturday, May 16
    • 10:00-11:30am
      • 367 [Schneider 1245] – Ye Nexte Generacioun: Young scholars look to the next fifty years (A roundtable) (p 117)
        • Creating overlapping communities of practice: Digital editing, teaching, and scholarship in the Hoccleve Archive – Robin Wharton & Elon Lang
      • 375 [Schneider 1340] – Whats new in digital humanities (A roundtable) (p 120)
        • What can digital humanities methods offer to medieval studies? – Scott Kleinman
        • Virtual Plasencia (Spain): Evaluating the relationships of Jews, Christians, and Muslims via an interdisciplinary geovisualization and transcription endeavor – Roger L. Martinez-Davila
        • The poetics of medieval data – Fred Gibbs
    • 1:30-3:00pm
      • 403 [Fetzer 1005] – Students’ texts are in their pockets: Does that make a difference? (p 128)
        • Intrusive technology in the classroom or the friend to codicology – Michael Crafton
        • Being on the same page: Using DIY e-books in literature classes – Vaughn Stewart
        • Building a reader’s text of the Canterbury Tales – Barbara Bordalejo
      • 408 [Fetzer 1055] Networks of transmission: History and practices of collecting medieval manuscripts and documents (p 130)
        • The provenance and history of the manuscripts formerly in the Phillips collection: New approaches to reconstruction and analysis – Toby Burrows
      • 433 [Schneider 1340] – Medievalists in the media (A Roundtable) (p 137)
        • A roundtable discussion with Christopher Bellitto, Kelly DeVries, Michael Kulikowski, Peter Konieczny
      • 436 [Schneider 1355] – Emblem studies (p 137)
        • Millions of pictures in the public domain: The impact of Internet Archive’s Flickr on emblem studies – Sabine Moedersheim
        • Digitizing emblems: Is that a mattock in the picture or an obelisk? Does it matter? – Peter M. Daly
        • Mission emblems in the digital age – Wim van Dongen
    • 3:30-5:00pm
      • 473 [Schneider 1120] – Primary sources in digital middle ages (A roundtable) (p 148)
        • A roundtable discussion with Bridget Whearty, Kenny Scott Ligda, James R. Ginther, Michael Appleby, Elaine M. Treharne
      • 484 [Schneider 1245] – The Icelandic sagas as history (p 151)
        • Visualizing space and place: A literary mapping project of the outlaw sagas – Mary Catherine Kinniburgh
  • Sunday, May 17
    • 8:30-10:00am
      • 518 [Fetzer 1010] – Digitally enabled scholarship in medieval manuscripts (A roundtable) (p 164)
        • Some new light on medieval manuscripts – Barbara Shailor
        • Thinking through digital collecting – Meg Bellinger
        • Gratian’s Decretum for the digital age – Anders Winroth
        • Creating English literature – Emily Ulrich
        • Visible moments: Building a digital library of hours – Shu-han Luo
      • 526 [Schneider 1125] – The Cultures of Georgia and Armenia (p 167)
        • Parallel corpora of Georgian medieval texts – Nino Doborjginidze & Irina Lobzhanidze
    • 10:30am-12:00pm
      • 559 [Schneider 1225] – Technology in medieval studies: New innovations and recent applications (p 176)
        • Reconfiguring The Seafarer: The editorial challenge of a revised HTML edition – Corey Owen & Kyle Dase
        • Targeting Viking winter camps with geospatial survey models – Danielle Trynoski
        • Visualizing medieval thought: mapping the dissemination of ideas across the medieval world – Cassandra Tucker


  1. Mary Catherine Kinniburgh

    I would love to spread the word to DH folks for my talk, “Visualizing Space and Place: A Literary Mapping Project of the Outlaw Sagas.” It’s part of Session 484 — The Icelandic Sagas as History (p. 151). (Saturday 3:30pm)

    Thanks for a chance to share, and for such a wonderful resource!

  2. An update re: “What’s New in Digital Humanities (A Roundtable)” (Sat., 5/16, 10:00am, Session 375, Schneider 1340): Scott Kleinman is unable to attend and present his paper, “What can digital humanities methods offer to medieval studies?” However, the other two speakers, Roger L. Martínez-Dávila and Fred Gibbs, will present as scheduled. We are looking forward to a lively discussion on the state of the field, addressing questions such as how to invest of time and training in DH projects; networks are for getting connected to on-going projects; successful funding models; future of the new IIIF platforms for manuscript studies. We will, of course, want to hear about DH projects that others are involved in. I look forward to chairing this session!

  3. Toby Burrows

    Saturday 1:30pm Session 408 Fetzer 1055
    My paper on provenance and manuscript histories is all about applying DH methodologies: data modelling, visualization, network graph software…

    Toby Burrows

  4. Pingback: Medieval Digital Humanities at Kalamazoo 2017 – Kristen Mapes

  5. Pingback: Medieval Digital Humanities at Kalamazoo 2019 - Kristen Mapes

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